TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format. It's a popular file format for storing raster graphics images, especially for high-quality images or those with multiple layers or pages. TIFF files support a variety of color depths, including monochrome, grayscale, and full-color RGB images. They also support lossless compression, which means that image quality is maintained even when the file size is reduced.

Advantages Disadvantages
High image quality Not compatible with many browsers
Ideal for photograph printouts Requires more storage space
Transparencies and layers
clear all
tiff_info = imfinfo(filename); % return tiff structure, filename: .tif
num_frames = size(tiff_info,1); % Number of frames
image_stack = [];
for i = 1: num_frames
     curr_image = imread(filename, i);
     curr_image = medfilt2(curr_image); % median filter
     image_stack = cat(3, image_stack, curr_image); % Cat function: Concatenate arrays
% Display all frames